The dome windows

It’s been a while since I did not deal with the dome setup. I was trying to automate the windows for the dome, but it did not work out well. Besides that, to make it very good, you need to shell a lot of money and it involves pulling power in a humid environment that is hot as well. Not that other did not do it the same way, but I feel reluctant on this, so it all boils down to no power – off grid setup for this feature.

I figured out that the windows would be really easy to open and they will stay open as well if I use a 2-bar flexible element. It can be tweaked in a way that can be opened and closed with a string – this will work very well for the top windows.

So, here is the drawing:


During the design stage, I noticed a possible issue. When the window opens, it will force the top to bend and extend over the limit. To overcome this, I will have to cut the window with a little bit of clearance on the top. Also the connection to the top side of the window frame should be done with caution as the policarbonate will bend. It has about 7.5cm relief space, but this is not enough.

To ease things even more, a cut will have to be done on the bottom of the top frame, so it allows the policarbonate to enter the structure when the window opens. This is the goodness of the CAD programs as you can see the issue before it occurs.